Deer Management
“We aim to promote deer welfare and best management principals,
sustaining a healthy deer population for all to enjoy”.
Furzebrook Estate, nr Wareham, Dorset BH20 5AR
Our Services

Ecological Impacts and Sustainability
With no natural predation in the UK deer numbers have exploded. A responsible management program is essential to protect our countryside and its ecological diversity.

Deer Management & Stalking
With all major Government and Private organisations agreeing that deer numbers must be responsibly controlled in order to ensure a healthy environment, we aim to take a responsible approach. Deer control is necessary to protect habitats and their associated species, forestry and agricultural crops. Deer are prolific breeders and, if numbers are allowed to increase unchecked, they may become prone to starvation and disease. They are also involved in 74,000 annual recorded vehicle collisions each year.

Wildlife & Conservation
Since deer browsing typically reduces both plant species richness as well as simplifying vegetation structure, invertebrate diversity, flora and fauna is likely to be reduced by deer, if they are present in high numbers. .
“Deer Management & Stalking .”

“We aim to promote deer welfare and best management principals, sustaining a healthy deer population for all to enjoy”.
- Population estimate for the UK
- Red deer – population estimate 400,000. The Red deer is native to the UK.
- Sika deer – (Sika meaning ‘deer’ in Japanese) Population estimate 50,000. Sika were introduced from the Far East in 1860.
- Fallow deer – population estimate 250,000. Fallow were introduced from the Mediterranean in 11th Century for hunting.
- Roe deer – beautiful and solitary, population estimate 70,000. The Roe is native to the UK.
- Chinese Water Deer – population estimate 15,000. Introduced from China in 1873.
- Muntjac deer – population estimate 150,000. The Muntjac was introduced from China before 1900.
The Furzebrook Estate
Deer Management is situated on the historic Furzebrook Estate on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset. A SSSI, AONB and National Nature Reserve. Heathland, meadows, broadleaf woodlands, waterways, bogs, lakes and streams make the Furzebrook Estate one of the most ecologically diverse Estate in the United Kingdom.
Ecologically conscious deer management & deer stalking.